SGTH5: Simple Guitar Tuner HTML5

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Sustained Distortion

How to Use

  1. Please wait a moment until all resources have been loaded.
  2. Hit either button to loop each note. Hit again to stop it and enable another note reference.
    Each note has around 2 seconds of duration until it's replayed from the beginning.
  3. This uses HTML5 <audio> with MP3 format. If your browser doesn't support it, there'll be an error notification to replace SGTH5.
  4. The first six buttons use acoustic sound and the other six are using distortion (5th harmony).

About Guitar

  1. Standard guitar has 6 strings, with this tuning convention:
    E - A - D - g - b - e
    It starts from the top, the lowest pitch, the bass.
  2. The first string is the highest pitched string, the bottom one. And the lowest pitch is the sixth string, the top string.
  3. When playing standard guitar, the guitar neck is placed on the left, and the body of the guitar is on the right. So your right hand strums/plucks/picks the strings, and the left hand is the "notes gripper".
    For left-handed guitar, it's the opposite.
  4. There are other common tuning sequence for 6-stringed guitar, like drop D or an actual chord tuning.
  5. The 12-stringed guitar has the same tuning as standard guitar. But each bass string is "mirrored" using two octaves higher note, usually. And the last 3 strings have "mirror" notes (double the same note). It's great to get wider sound and longer sustain than standard guitar. It's totally sweet.
  6. The 7-stringed guitar has one additional lowest note, that is B. It's mostly used in macho-angry music. But of course, it can also be used for playing a calming music. It's multi-purpose. Like, to hit a ball.
    Other guitar designs which placed a lot of strings on the instrument have their own unique tuning convention.
    It usually depends on the person who ordered the design.
    The stringed instrument (guitar for instance) maker/repairer/engine-er is called Luthier, literally a lute-er.
    It's from French, luth (lute) and English, -er.
    An experienced luthier usually knows a lot about acoustic.
  7. Guitar usually has frets. The one without them is called fretless guitar.
  8. Also, conventional guitar has two types of strings: nylon and steel.
  9. The last, there are electric, acoustic, acoustic-electric, and synthesizer guitars.
    There are modern guitars which do experiments with unorthodox system for neck/body/string builds for their designs. Plus the microtonal frets, more like fretless but not really.

SGTH5: Simple Guitar Tuner HTML5