Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Oneveno H5: One Octave Piano HTML5


How to Use

  • Please wait a moment until all resources are ready.
  • You can use your mouse click and/or keyboard keys to play Oneveno H5.
    It starts from C2 and ends at C3 note.
  • Keyboard keys list
    You can use small letter/capital letter — [CapsLock], or combination with [Shift].
    [Shift] or any other keys besides these keys list below are actually ignored, sort of speak.
    1. C (Do ♪ 1)
      a — A
    2. C#/D♭ (Di/Ra ♪ #1/♭2)
      w — W
    3. D (Re ♪ 2)
      s — S
    4. D#/E♭ (Ri/Me ♪ #2/♭3)
      e — E
    5. E (Mi ♪ 3)
      d — D
    6. F (Fa ♪ 4)
      f — F
    7. F#/G♭ (Fi/Se ♪ #4/♭5)
      t — T
    8. G (Sol ♪ 5)
      g — G
    9. G#/A♭ (Si/Le ♪ #5/♭6)
      y — Y
    10. A (La ♪ 6)
      h — H
    11. A#/B♭ (Li/Te ♪ #6/♭7)
      u — U
    12. B (Ti ♪ 7)
      j — J
    13. c (do ♪ i)
      k — K
  • To control the volume, you can use mouse cursor, hold (or tap — mobile) and drag. Or, using left/right arrow key on your (desktop) keyboard.


  • The smallest screen width which Oneveno H5 can be seen "normally" is 300px. The default width is 640px.
  • This implements HTML5 <audio> with MP3 format. If your browser doesn't support it, you'll see error response as a replacement of Oneveno H5.
  • You can click (either using mouse or keyboard) the note(s) very fast, and Oneveno H5 will still respond.
    Oneveno H5 is enhanced to not "clip" the sound produced by overlapping triggers.
    Make sure you're using around 50% volume or less to get clean result for playing chords or fast tempo lines.

    Added Sept 26, 2015

    There's a new "audio reservoir monitor". It will tell you how many overlapping hits you make. It's recommended to go below 60%.
    One overlapping key hit/mouse click adds 4%.
  • If you use Firefox with "Search for text when I start typing" feature, you can disable it first, by going to Setting ► Advanced ► Accessibility ► untick that option, to use your keyboard as the piano controller.
  • The last thing, if you play chords, make sure you don't press too many keys on your keyboard. Recommended max of ~5 (around five, top). There's that "auto-prevent" on any Operating System in case you're sleeping on your keyboard (pressing a lot of keys for a long time). Also, adjacent keys will cancel each other if you press the-far-apart-others plus those.
    You can just try it out.
    (Computer) keyboard wasn't designed as a musical instrument. It's for typing text.
    But who cares.
  • On mobile device,
    there's that "tap lag".
  • This was tinkered and tested on latest Chrome and Firefox.


  • As standard notes reference. Like a pitch fork, but there are twelve of them. Plus one.
    For singing practice or tuning your music instrument.
  • For finding the key then the chords (maybe) from the music you like if they (the band/artists) used standard tuning.
  • For "inspiration". Like scrambling chromatic notes or dissonant chords for no reason.
  • Or maybe, like, screen (+audio) capture it and upload to YouTube.
  • And cetera...

Wrapper background image from i2clipart.