ArNC/K: Armenian Numeral Converter/Keyboard

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This is the historic numeral system of Armenia.

Armenian Numeral Converter



15 digits (hundred trillion) maximum and positive integer.
ArNC converts modern Arabic (international) numeral ► Old Armenian numeral.

Armenian Numeral Keyboard



15 digits (hundred trillion) maximum.
ArNK converts Old Armenian Numeral ► Arabic (international) numeral.

The keyboard will automatically add the value of each clicked button then display the sum in Armenian numeral.

Old Armenian Numeral List

The transliteration on this table is the classical version.

Not much of a difference with the modern transliteration. But still, there are differences, such as Ը (8) is ə in classical, and ë in modern one. Both are pronounced /ə/, ae, somewhat like a goat would sound.


The old Armenian numeral system is exactly like old Greek numeral system. But instead of using Greek letters, it's using Armenian letters. And then the M (Myriad) in Greek system is substituted with an overbar / overline (a line placed over the letters).

Let's see some examples:

  • 1 ► Ա
  • 12 ► 10 + 2 ► ԺԲ
  • 123 = 100 + 20 + 3 ► ՃԻԳ
  • 1,234 = 1,000 + 200 + 30 + 4 ► ՌՄԼԴ
  • 12,345 = [10,0001 × 1] + 2,000 + 300 + 40 + 5 ► ԱՍՅԽԵ
  • 123,456 = [10,0001 × (10 + 2)] + 3,000 + 400 + 50 + 6 ► ԺԲՎՆԾԶ
  • 1,234,567 = [10,0001 × (100 + 20 + 3)] + 4,000 + 500 + 60 + 7
ArNC/K: Armenian Numeral Converter/Keyboard

Let's try to read the number sequence.

A large number:
We have two overbars.
Meaning the first (leftmost) is the largest, 10,000 powered by 2 multiplied by the number under it.
The second overbar is 10,0001 multiplied by the number beneath it.

Break it down:
► [10,0002 × Ռ] + [10,0001 × Ռ] + Ռ + Ժ + Ա
Substitute each letter with its value from the table:
Ռ = 1,000
Ժ = 10
Ա = 1
► [10,0002 × 1,000] + [10,0001 × 1,000] + 1,000 + 10 + 1
► 100,000,000,000 + 10,000,000 + 1,000 + 10 + 1
(one hundred billion, ten million, one thousand and eleven)
Smaller number:
Break it down:
► [10,0001 × (Ժ + Ե)] + Ս + Ճ + Ա
Substitute each letter with its value from the table:
Ժ = 10
Ե = 5
Ս = 2,000
Ճ = 100
Ա = 1
► [10,0001 × (10 + 5)] + 2,000 + 100 + 1
► 150,000 + 2,000 + 100 + 1
(one hundred fifty two thousand and one hundred one)
Another smaller number:
Break it down:
► Ռ + Շ + Հ
Substitute each letter with its value from the table:
Ռ = 1,000
Շ = 500
Հ = 70
► 1,000 + 500 + 70
(one thousand five hundred and seventy)