ANC: Alphabetic Numerology Calculator
Alphabetic Numerology Calculator NORMAL
For input larger than 40 characters, the details won't show the addition so it won't look too cluttered.
How to Use
- Type the text you wanna count on the input box, you'll see the output.
- To clear everything, delete all input.
- Use the option to pick certain version(s) to calculate your input.
- Typical usage: type a name (letters) or anything you want. Then you'll see the total values of those characters.
- Hit DETAILS to see the detail of each version.
To close the pretty much confusing info, hit CLOSE button. - To reverse the mapping, hit REVERSE?.
To use normal mapping, hit NORMAL. You can also hit the top label REVERSED or NORMAL to switch between them as long as the input isn't empty. - Hit TOP to scroll to input box.
- You could use [embiggen] link (below ANC) to get a wider area if you're on desktop or laptop or tablet.
- You could also open couple tabs to observe the reversed and normal calculation outputs.
characters are automatically omitted before calculation.
This is also known as Gematria (Aramaic), or geometry (of letters and numbers). Similar method can also be found in other cultures, namely Indian (India), Chinese, and the derivations, but using their own letters and perspectives. Although different in languages, but the perspectives are usually equivalent, since the observed object is our own realm. Number is the language of angels, some said, I said it, angels as in not human, beyond human. And or but, there're categories for them.
ANC only works for numeral and A-Z alphabet (and ampersand & character only for Jewish Ordinal version). English word is recommended to be calculated.
To see each version mapping (letter: value), hit DETAILS and scroll to the bottom of that particular version.
Standard Hebrew Numeric
The Hebrew numerical is as such:
For tens, like 11, 12, 13, ..., 19, it is adding yod (י value 10) with the unit number (same with twenties, thirties, hundreds, and so forth).
Let's see couple examples:
12 = 10 + 2 ➡️ יב (consists of yod and bet, read it from RIGHT to LEFT). 12 is pronounced as shneyim-'asar (masculine) and shteyim-'esre (feminine).
In Arabic, 12 is athnay eashar (اِثْنا عَشَرَ) -- one version.
17 = 10 + 7 ➡️ יז (consists of yod and zayin), shiv'a-'asar (masculine) and shva'-'esre (feminine).
In Arabic, 17 is sbet eshr (سبعة عشر) -- one version.
Except for 15 and 16, in Hebrew, those numbers do not use the addition with yod.
15 is ט״ו (tet and vav with gershayim/double geresh - to denote that it is a number) ➡️ tet (9) + vav (6) ➡️ 9 + 6 = 15.
16 is ט״ז (tet and zayin with a gershayim also) ➡️ tet (9) + zayin (7) ➡️ 9 + 7 = 16.
The restriction is applied to avoid the confusion for the writing of יהוה (YHWH, Tetragrammaton, consists of 4 letters), יַהְוֶה (Yahweh), יְהֹוָה (Yehovah) and אֲדֹנָי (Adonai), related to Elohim (אֱלֹהִים), Elyon (עליון) -- names of God in Judaism. Related to El (אל), deity in Canaanite religion.
The masculine/feminine cardinal is only used for 1 through 19. When to use the masculine or the feminine depends on the described noun. If it has no such noun, then the feminine version is used, like a page number of a book.
In Arabic numerals, gender matters when numbers describe nouns, especially 1-19. If there's no noun (like page numbers), there's no strict masculine/feminine rule... 🙂
Plus other syntax rules when involving adjective and ordinal (first, second, third, ...). 0 and number ≥20 only use one version of each. Well, I suppose you could learn more about Hebrew (and Arabic, as comparison) on another place.
Writing Systems
Back to ANC, the standard numerical, the letter reference and arithmetic for presenting a numeral is very similar to Greek or (olden) Armenian numeral but has RIGHT to LEFT composition. And of course, with different letter reference.
- The Hebrew (and Arabic) letter system for writing is called Abjad (Arabic: Alif, Ba, Ta, Tha, Jim, Ha, Kha, Dal, Dhal, ...). The writing orientation is RIGHT to LEFT ( ← ).
- The Armenian, Greek, Cyrillic, etc.., and A to Z (Latin) is called Alphabetic system. Alphabetic writing always goes from LEFT to RIGHT ( → ).
- Kanji, Kana, Hanja, ... (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, ...) is called (syllable-based) Logographic. Asian writing typically implements TOP to BOTTOM and RIGHT to LEFT orientation ( ↓ ← ). But nowadays, it can also be done LEFT to RIGHT similar to Latin (A-Z) writing orientation ( → ).
- Sanskrit, Tamil, Khmer, Javanese, Sundanese, Balinese, Batak, Thai, Lao, Inuit, Tifinagh, ... is called Abugida (Avugida). Avugida system usually applies LEFT to RIGHT orientation ( → ).
The categorization was made not by me, but by not me.
Because we are observing English language (also for other languages with A to Z letters only), so the standard numerical is not included in ANC.
This tool will add all values from each character and then simplify that into one digit number, 1 through 9. Except if you type just 0 and/or non-letter/non-number.
All of them use the same arithmetic to simplify the number.
Example for Pythagorean version:
Let's calculate this word: YES
In A-Z, "Y" is at position (index) 25, "E" is 5, and "S" is 19.
The sum from addition of the actual indexes is called "ORIGINAL TOTAL". And the result from the addition of the "reduced" indexes is called "REDUCED TOTAL".
Reducing is as such, any number above 9 can be simplified into one digit (1-9).
For example: 12, the reduced version of 12 ➡️ 1 + 2 = 3.
Thus, the calculation of the word "YES" goes like this (in Pythagorean version):
ORIGINAL TOTAL ➡️ 25 + 5 + 19 = 49
REDUCED TOTAL ➡️ 7 + 5 + 1 = 13
ISOPSEPHY (from original total 49) ➡️ 4 + 9 = 13 ➡️ 1 + 3 = 4
ISOPSEPHY (from reduced total 13) ➡️ 1 + 3 = 4
Both original total and reduced total will always have the same isopsephy.
In computer programming (any language not just JavaScript), finding isopsephy is using modulus operator (%). The modulus operator in modulo operation is to find the remainder of the division, like 3 ÷ 2 has remainder 1, or 3 % 2 = 1.
Operation in programming, for instance:
Isopsephy of 49 (base-10, use the largest digit for the divisor, 9) ➡️ 49 % 9 = 4
But be careful, because 9 % 9 = 0 or 45 % 9 = 0, therefore, you need to put if
to check the input first before doing the operation.
So finding isopsephy can be done by doing looping addition, or using modulo operation. So then, with that knowledge, without doing any division, the remainder of 113 ÷ 9 can be calculated by adding all single digits in 113 ➡️ 1 + 1 + 3 = 5.
For division of multiples of 9 by 9, like 113211 ÷ 9 ➡️ 1 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 9. Since the addition yields the divider itself (9), meaning the division has no remainder.
This method works only for division by 9 (largest digit of decimal). It doesn't work for any other number (as the divisor). Unless you're doing something in a different numeral base system.
Zero (0), by definition, is the representation of nothing. If zero (0) is divided or multiplied by other non-zero, the result will be zero. And zero multiplied by zero is zero, then zero (or non-zero) divided by zero is undefined