Monday, September 28, 2015

Duck Piano

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How to Use

  • Please wait a moment until all resources are ready.
  • You can use your mouse click and/or keyboard keys to play Duck Piano.
  • Keyboard keys list
    1. C (Do ♪ 1)
      a — A
    2. C#/D♭ (Di/Ra ♪ #1/♭2)
      w — W
    3. D (Re ♪ 2)
      s — S
    4. D#/E♭ (Ri/Me ♪ #2/♭3)
      e — E
    5. E (Mi ♪ 3)
      d — D
    6. F (Fa ♪ 4)
      f — F
    7. F#/G♭ (Fi/Se ♪ #4/♭5)
      t — T
    8. G (Sol ♪ 5)
      g — G
    9. G#/A♭ (Si/Le ♪ #5/♭6)
      y — Y
    10. A (La ♪ 6)
      h — H
    11. A#/B♭ (Li/Te ♪ #6/♭7)
      u — U
    12. B (Ti ♪ 7)
      j — J
    13. c (do ♪ i)
      k — K
  • Use mouse or left/right arrow key on your (desktop) keyboard to control the volume.
  • There are two options for the sound: "duck" and "chicken".
    The chicken is kinda standard tuning???, but the duck isn't. Duck is sort of half step lower.
    Duck just doesn't care about pitch.


  • The doped looking fella sounds like a duck, but maybe much more similar with something else. And it doesn't look like a duck.
  • The chicken sounds like that. Because it's neat.
Duck and Hen Piano