
Showing posts from October, 2016

ArNC/K: Armenian Numeral Converter/Keyboard

This is the historic numeral system of Armenia. Armenian Numeral Converter Please activate JavaScript... INPUT ArNC 15 digits (hundred trillion) maximum and positive integer. ArNC converts modern Arabic (international) numeral ➡️ Old Armenian numeral. Armenian Numeral Keyboard Please activate JavaScript... INPUT KEYBOARD ArNK 15 digits (hundred trillion) maximum. ArNK converts Old Armenian Numeral ➡️ Arabic (international) numeral. The keyboard will automatically add the value of each clicked button then display the sum in Armenian numeral. Old Armenian Numeral List The transliteration on this table is the classical version. Not much of a difference with the modern transliteration. But still, there are...

GNC/K: Greek Numeral Converter/Keyboard

Greek Numeral Converter Please activate JavaScript... INPUT GNC 15 digits (hundred trillion) maximum and positive integer. GNC converts modern Arabic (international) numeral ➡️ Greek numeral. Greek Numeral Keyboard Please activate JavaScript... INPUT KEYBOARD GNK 15 digits (hundred trillion) maximum. GNK converts Greek Numeral ➡️ Arabic (international) numeral. The keyboard input system isn't like the decimal system we use everyday, this has different sequence. Therefore, in order to filter incorrect input, it will just add the number value from the clicked button. Try it out then. Greek Numeral List Method It's kinda not like today's numeral system (modern Arabic -- straight forward ...