
Showing posts from August, 2015

Dainder: The Day Finder

Result reset Year Month Day See Result How to Use Type the year, month, and day (number) on each input, respectively. And the day name of that date will be displayed. Minimum year number is 1 , and it can accept any other positive integer less than or equal to 275,760 . Both month and day numbers start at 1 . 1 st month is January, and 1 st day is Sunday (not the date, but the weekday). Maximum month number is 12 . Maximum day number is 31 . To reset all, simply click/tap the reset button. Additional Notes For day number beyond the month scope, for instance 2015-2-31 , will be automatically-corrected to 2015-3-3 😎 It's the wonder of ECMAScript ( JavaScript ). But of cou...

Some of UNICODE Superscripts and Subscripts

This needs JavaScript Superscripted and Subscripted Letters Superscripted and Subscripted Numbers Superscripted and Subscripted Greek Letters Superscripted and Subscripted Symbols Test Here For example: A + L₋ > A⁺⁺ , or 2¹⁰ = 1024, or Wʰᵃᵗ?

Base64 Image Converter

This tool needs JavaScript Use local file Click below to select Your base-64 encoded image! How to use this First of all, this is using HTML5 FileReader() to read and convert the local file and canvas API to display the result. This can only convert local image from your hard drive . The browser will do all the work. The front-end application here is the "conductor" so that the browser will do the intended task. This is a local JavaScript-based tool. No data will be sent elsewhere. Follow the instruction text on the right side of the arrow image. Pick the image from your hard drive. Allowed formats are: jpg jpeg png gif bmp webP (developed by Google ) svg — This part was just updated 2015-09-16. Somebody forgot to include the svg filter. Then the result will be disp...

RNC: Roman Numeral Converter

READY RNC How to Use Type or paste the number on the input. It can be Roman numeral or standard numeral. You'll see the output. This works for positive integer input. About Zero, Negative Number, and Fractions About Zero There's no zero ( 0 ) number in Roman numerals system. But there's that word nulla . RNC will return the initial of the word, which is N , if you put 0 on the input box. BUT, because N isn't actually a Roman numeral, hence if you type N on the input box, it will return error . This works only from standard numeral to Roman numeral conversion. About Negative Number They haven't discovered the "concept" of negative number in that era. In another words, there's no negative number for Roman numerals system. About Fractions There are fractions in Roman Numeral. But because nowadays we never (like, ever) use it (Roman numeral fracti...