
Showing posts from November, 2013

Hebideter: Hexadecimal, Binary, Decimal Converter

Convert different (computer) numeral systems to standard decimal and the other way around. There are 3 different numeral systems here: Hexadecimal. Decimal. Binary. And there are: Input. Output. Therefore, using permutation formula : With n = 3 , and r = 2 ➡️ 3!/(3 - 2)! = (3•2•1)/(1) = 6 . Hence this tool has 6 options . This tool only accepts integers. No approximation for fractions/decimal point. Hebideter is triggered each time you type on the input or clicking different option . Hebideter Click any option to start... Hex to Dec Bin to Dec Dec to Hex Dec to Bin Hex to Bin Bin to Hex Input ...

List of Color Keywords for Web Styling

The description is below this tool color keywords Click the search option first. Find abnormally Search normally TOP RESET BG COLOR That is the list of keywords for defining web color. Useful for coloring any style-able HTML element with CSS . So, instead of typing rgb , or hex value, we can use these keywords below. The tool above has two options for searching the CSS color keywords. Find abnormally For example, you type a , then every keyword containing the letter a will be shown. Another example, type the word green , then every color keyword that has the word fragment green in it will be returned. Search normally (from the beginning of the keyword) It's a common method in browser. It will check the character starting from the front of the keyword then return any matching keyword(s). Using the Search Function Above Hit either option to enable search input . ...

Sweet UNICODE Shapes

I put this here so you can easily put decoration text on your webpage/blog. This has initial font size of 128px, it will be increased/decreased by 10px. Feel free to look around and grab things from here. FYI, it's using Georgia font family. But I suppose if you use other font, they will stay pretty much the same. The font styling (the font family genus species) usually targeted for letters which are used in a word, to be read by us. These characters below are "images", sort of speak. Hopefully your browser can encode all of these sweet lovable characters. Enable JavaScript on your browser if you do not see anything below (desktop view). These are "injected" via script. Increase/Decrease Font Size + - Also: ASCII Chart Greek Alphabet Arrows UNICODE Super/Subscripts

Online Rock-Paper-Scissors

Win 5 Times You COMPUTER Click picture above Win 5 times Thanks for playing Play Again

Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator

BMI.C HEIGHT WEIGHT RUN C IMPERIAL VERSION METRIC VERSION How to Use Type the number of your height and weight on the provided inputs, then click RUN (or hit Enter ) to calculate. Hit C (or type c ) to clear everything. To use different units of measurement, click the dropdown option to select the other. Type i for imperial , and m for metric . By default, it's using metric version.

Mile to Km and Km to Mile Distance Converter

1 mile is approximately 1.609 km 1 km is about 0.621 mile . Kilometre Mile Mile Kilometre

Feet to cm and cm to feet Height/Length Converter

1 foot is approximately 30.48 cm . 1 inch is approximately 2.54 cm . 1 ft = 12 inches . Or, 1 inch = 1/12 ft . Centimetre Foot Foot Centimetre