
Showing posts from November, 2014

Spunctre: Speed Unit Convertre

Greetings! I'm Spunctre List of units m/s ft/s km/h mph knot Output Spunctre Update Nov 2, 2015: Eliminated the scroll function Aug 2, 2015: Updated the scroll limit May 14, 2015: Fixed the km/h button (conversion to ft/s ) May 14, 2015: Added numbor rounding function Conversion related: Hexadecimal, binary, decimal converter Miles to km and km to miles Temperature unit converter Feet to cm and cm to feet Lbs to kg and kg to lbs

Seginelipper: Search Engine Link Stripper

For Google and Yahoo! Paste the link below (with the http/https protocol) THE ACTUAL LINK This is a pure client side (browser) application. No data (of the link text) is sent to anywhere. This tool is fairly simple. It uses JavaScript's decodeURIComponent() method and it is combined with some URL patterns we observed. How to Use Go to either Google or Yahoo!. Search anything there. If you find anything interesting, do not click it right away, copy the link first. Right click ► copy link or URL. Paste that link on the application above, and hit the "Strip!". The actual URL will be shown. Select ► copy the actual URL ► open new tab/window ► paste ► go to that link. Why do I wanna do that? There are many different re...