Friday, December 18, 2015

JCC: Online Caesar Cipher Calculator

Last modified on

Update Dec 24, 2015

J. Caesar Cipher






This is a pure front end (browser) application.

How to Use

This only shifts/rotates Latin (English) alphabets (A to Z and a to z), 26 letters (52 — uppercase and lowercase).

  1. First, select the method (encrypt/decrypt).
  2. Type how many rotations (character shift) you want.
  3. Type/paste your text. The input is on the bottom (update Dec 24, 2015).
  4. RUN button will be enabled. Click it to see the result.
  5. There is another additional button to show all rotations on the bottom (update Dec 21, 2015). Use it to show all shifts.

For distracting you, Mr. Julius' caricature will rotate itself.


Minimum 1 and 25, max. ROT1 to ROT25, forward or backward.

It works like so:

  • Encrypt: ROT1 or 1 shift forward

    The letter A or a becomes B or b.
    Letter Z or z becomes A or a.
    Letter V or v becomes W or w.
    And so on.

  • Decrypt: ROT1 or 1 shift backward

    The letter A or a becomes Z or z.
    Letter Z or z becomes Y or y.
    Letter V or v becomes U or u.
    And such.


  • Encrypt ROT1 is equivalent to Decrypt ROT25
  • Encrypt ROT2 is equivalent to Decrypt ROT24
  • Encrypt ROT3 is equivalent to Decrypt ROT23
  • Encrypt ROT4 is equivalent to Decrypt ROT22
  • Encrypt ROT5 is equivalent to Decrypt ROT21
  • Encrypt ROT6 is equivalent to Decrypt ROT20
  • et cetera

As you can see, it is the sum of the total letters, 26.

More Reading on Caesar Cipher

On Dear Wikipedia


It was taken from Astérix le Gaulois comics by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo.

More reading about Asterix in English - Wikipedia


Go to this repository on GitHub

JCC Expansion

This can be expanded to shift/rotate UNICODE if you're interested.
There are thousands of characters you can shift/rotate.

The thing in the world of Cryptography is the super hard character shifts, like TOTALLY, and then the other important part, the key(s) to unlock it.
In this shift, the key is how many step it got shifted (just one key). And the algorithm is the basic math addition/subtraction (linear).

In SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) and maybe other security families implementations, the algorithms and keys go bananas. They were designed to be "irreversible".

All in all, security is about feeling secure.