Dainder: The Day Finder

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How to Use

  • Type the year, month, and day (number) on each input, respectively. And the day name of that date will be displayed.
  • Minimum year number is 1, and it can accept any other positive integer less than or equal to 275,760.
  • Both month and day numbers start at 1.

    1st month is January, and 1st day is Sunday (not the date, but the weekday).

  • Maximum month number is 12.
  • Maximum day number is 31.
  • To reset all, simply click/tap the reset button.

Additional Notes

  • For day number beyond the month scope, for instance 2015-2-31, will be automatically-corrected to 2015-3-3 😎

    It's the wonder of ECMAScript (JavaScript).

    But of course, obvious weird date pattern will result error.

  • For the year 275,760, the maximum month is September (9) and the day is 13. After that, it will set itself to January 1 (of 275,760).